artcards are limited edition collectible art works tokenized on the WAX blockchain.
collect em. trade em. hodl em. gift em. enjoy em.
about the project
the first series is 60 NFT artcards. they are available as non-fungible tokens on the WAX blockchain (AtomicAssets smart contract).
they are comprised of 15 different artist-created full-color style variants of one composition. variants will not be released in advance, but revealed throughout the roll-out.
there are four levels of rarity varying from some rare singles to some editions of eight. the rarity of a given artcard will not be known until all artcards have been sold and revealed. one out of every variant will be pixel-perfect PNG quality, the remaining will be high-quality JPG images. some variants will have a rare animated GIF.
artcards will also include a back image that lists the artist and variant number (although this functionality may not be viewable in the current market interface, but you can copy the 'backimg' hash into any ipfs explorer to view for now). this is similar to the GPK series 1 tokens which are on the SimpleAssets contract, and are the same image dimensions.
each round, ten individual artcards will be listed for sale at 200 WAX apiece on the AtomicHub.io marketplace. they will all feature "pending" information in their mutable data fields and images.
once all ten are sold, the tokens will then be updated to their actual art and metadata. they will also then be backed by various amounts of WAX currency (10% of sale proceeds will go towards this random distribution) that will give the artcards intrinsic value, only recoverable if the NFT is burned.
following this, the next round of ten will be minted and listed. the process will repeat itself until all 60 cards are sold and revealed.
note: i am a digital artist not a programmer. i'm administering this project manually right now (no fancy dapps). all distributions have been predetermined in advance of project launch, organized by token id and are randomized by the fact that i have no control over who buys which NFT. i appreciate your support and patience.
my creator account: 3vvau.waa
AtomicAssets collection: waxartcards1
secondary sales: 8% commission
about the art
series: confrontation
artist: ejthek [2020]
artist: ejthek [2020]
this composition is derived from original photography of organic plant life.
during artistic manipulation, the form of a human head appeared and evolved into a cybernetic shape. it's form represents technological advancements and artificial life.
by way of contrast a digital sculpture was modeled to confront the forward view of supposed progress.
its hard glass is both unyielding and reflective, and yet the flowing smooth form is more organic in appearance than the counterpart.
face to face they stare each other down while the fate of the future is decided.
>> each variant is a unique creation in terms of both the cybernetic undertone and the sculptural reflection.