a 40 piece collection reflecting on the nature of Ethereum cryptoart in 2020.
five compositions in eight styles. each a rare 1/1 NFT edition.
the world of #cryptoart in 2020 has been described as the wild west—a perpetual new frontier to explore, stake your claim and witness duels in the main street. for those with a limited crypto background entering the space, it can be overwhelming, as an adventure promising excitement and prosperity yet filled with so many unknowns.
this project is an introspective look at #cryptoart by digital artist ejthek. it seeks in ways both subtle and garish, subliminal and obvious, to document, dissect and distinguish elements that are key to this unique corner of the art marketplace.
each artwork piece was created from all original elements and meticulously manipulated to specifically craft images with depth, intention, visual appeal and meaning.
this collection is launched for public sale.
individual pieces are sold as ERC-721 NFTs and include high-resolution original artwork.
each of the five original seed images will be auctioned once all styles of the respective composition are sold.
each of the five original seed images will be auctioned once all styles of the respective composition are sold.
your feedback is welcome and appreciated. thank you for your support. follow @ejthek_art on twitter for updates.
01 identity
an attempt to invoke the symbolism of the avatar—our representation of our online identity. the successful cryptoartist of 2020 is a creator not only of art but of their brand. an attractive offering is the result of displaying one's skill and talent authentically while communicating one's passion and driving forces effectively.

style 01: bold
bright and brash. primary colors. in your face. the essence of popular #cryptoart.
style 02: nuance
subtler and gentler. muted softness with a painterly feel. gently pixel sorted and grained for a traditional look.

02 proliferation
there is a discernible organic evolution of the #cryptoart space as art collections propagate and proliferate. some projects hive off of existing successes while others innovate and germinate in unique expressions of creativity and technical prowess. either way, the space is fresh.

style 03: black&white
rich and smooth monotone. an exposé of underlying structure and conceptual form. simple and yet complex.
style 04: photoglitch
framed and blurred. a digital glitch version of the famous insta-cam look. worn yet not worn out.
03 collaboration
whether newbie cryptoartists coming together to expand their audience or blue chip legends combining efforts to blow our collective minds, collaboration is rampant in the #cryptoart world, bringing a vibrancy and freshness to a perpetually captivating ecosystem.

style 05: pixel
32 pixels wide. 16 colors. only grown up, with cool dithering. minimalist and meta all in one.
style 06: xray
a glimpse under the hood. radioactive vision of the internal components. exposed flesh and bone.

04 investment
one only has to observe these early days of the #cryptoart landscape for a short while to understand the relationship between the investment of one's time, energy, cryptocurrency, etc. and the return on that investment: there is none. not yet at least. but that's the appeal—anyone can get lucky.

style 07: voxel
extra-dimensional. visual depth becomes an existential environment. welcome to the metaverse.
style 08: animated
the obligatory gif. still art is awesome. numerous frames of still art shown in rapid succession is therefore more awesome.
05 community
#cryptoart would not exist as a thing, were it not for a strong sense of community among it's early adopters. not that everyone agrees or sees the future the same way, but most realize that working together is necessary to overcome the innate hurdles of on-boarding and technical innovation. oh the irony of the unshackled and autonomous artist depending on the participation of others for the viability of the venture.

artist notes
regarding the compositional elements...
the background grid was created to represent the Ethereum blockchain and the permanence of non-fungible tokens minted on it, and was used in each composition. the circular elements were intentionally basic and simple to force a symbolic representation of the various concepts. the organic and fluid splashes are a contrast in complexity and form to speak to the human passion and creativity that guides and manipulates our digital tools. each composition was glitched to infuse a sense of the wild nature of the #cryptoart market. various style variations were then chosen in an attempt to reflect the breadth of artistry being minted.